Mitra Amini
Education Development Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.
[ 1 ] - A Survey on Study Habits of Medical Students in Shiraz Medical School
Background: Study habits and skills are very important particularly in medical school which is characterized by heavy workload, heavy time commitments, and high stakes assessments. Students’ approach to learning, which includes study habits, has an important impact on both the excellence of the learning and their academic success. The aim of this study was to evaluate the study habits of Shiraz...
[ 3 ] - The effectiveness of Guided Discovery Learning on the learning and satisfaction of nursing students
Introduction: Revision of the traditional teaching methods as well as employment of modern and active learning method through educational systems is tangible. Application of such methods are quite common in different scientific areas. Therefore, performing modern educational approaches such as self-directed and long-life learning such as Guided Discovery Learning (GDL) is a step toward the stud...
[ 4 ] - Combination of different clinical reasoning tests in a national exam
Introduction: Clinical reasoning as a critical and high level of clinicalcompetency should be acquired during medical education, and medicaleducators should attempt to assess this ability in medical students. Nowadays,there are several ways to evaluate medical students’ clinical reasoningability in different countries worldwide. There are some well-known clinicalre...
[ 5 ] - Using modified Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS) to assess undergraduate medical students
Introduction: Nowadays according to competency basedcurriculum, selecting an appropriate assessment method isinevitable. This study aimed to investigate application of DirectObservation of Procedural Skills (DOPS) in undergraduatemedical students.Methods: This is a cross sectional study conducted duringemergency ward rotation in last year medical students usingconsensus sampling method. Each st...
[ 6 ] - Develop talents to increase productivity: report of the ninth national medical science olympiad in Islamic Republic of Iran in year 2017
Dear Editor, Extracurricular activities for the gifted andtalented students in Iran derive from thebelief that students with high potentials areexpected to make great help for the healthcare of the community. One of these activitiesis holding medical science Olympiads. In theprevious meeting report about medical scienceOlympiad in year 2011, a unique experienceof Islamic Republic of Iran was re...
[ 7 ] - Psychometric characteristics of clinical reasoning problems (CRPs) and its correlation with routine multiple choice question (MCQ) in cardiology department
Introduction: Clinical reasoning is one of the most importantskills in the process of training a medical student to become anefficient physician. Assessment of the reasoning skills in a medicalschool program is important to direct students’ learning. One ofthe tests for measuring the clinical reasoning ability is ClinicalReasoning Problems (CRPs). The major aim of this study is tomeasure psycho...
[ 8 ] - Early clinical exposure program in learning renal physiology
Introduction: Teaching renal physiology for undergraduatemedical students in an understandable way using methods whichimprove their deep learning has always been a problem. In thisstudy, Early Clinical Exposure (ECE) was used in teaching renalphysiology for the second year medical students in Shiraz MedicalSchool. This article aims to introduce and develop this programand also measure the attit...
[ 9 ] - Considering social accountability in rehabilitation therapy school
As you know, there is increasing attention insocial accountability concept for medicaland other health professional schools. Despite theuniqueness of the concept of social accountability,it has different definitions in various fields. TheWorld Health Organization (WHO) has describedsocial accountability generally as follows: “theobligation to direct education, research andservice activities tow...
[ 10 ] - Program evaluation of an integrated basic science medical curriculum in Shiraz Medical School, using CIPP evaluation model
Introduction: In recent years curriculum reform and integrationwas done in many medical schools. The integrated curriculum isa popular concept all over the world. In Shiraz medical school,the reform was initiated by stablishing the horizontal basicscience integration model and Early Clinical Exposure (ECE)for undergraduate medical education. The purpose of this studywas to provide the required ...
[ 11 ] - Designing a system of mentorship in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
As you know, one of the new programs ofthe medical universities is to familiarizethe students to the medical atmosphere withthe help of compassionate and experienceduniversity professors. The program is plannedand implemented under the title of mentorship,in which an experienced instructor takes theresponsibility of orientation, guidance and problemsolving of a number of students. The studentsa...
[ 12 ] - Fourth year medical students’ reflective writing on “death of Ivan Ilych: a qualitative study
Introduction: Medical students should be familiar with the endof life ethical issues and its considerations. For teaching end oflife care to medical students, literature is a source of excellentnarratives of patients with experiences of terminally ill conditionin their journey through suffering and one of the most favouritebioethics literature readings has been the death of Ivan Ilych byTolstoy...
[ 13 ] - Medical students’ academic emotions: the role of perceived learning environment
Introduction: Research shows that there is a relationship betweenstudents’ perceptions of classroom and learning environment andtheir cognitive, affective, emotional and behavioral outcomes, so,in this study the relationship between medical students’ perceptionof learning environment and academic emotions was examined.Methods: The research method used was descriptive-correlative.The statistical...
[ 14 ] - Evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of community-based education from the viewpoint of students
Introduction: Responsive medicine is an appropriate trainingmethod which trains the graduates who can act effectively ininitial and secondary aspects of health issues in the society.Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive-analytic studywhich was done using quantitative method. The target populationof this study was all the students of the Nutrition and HealthSchool of Shiraz University ...
[ 15 ] - The validity and reliability of script concordance test in otolaryngology residency training
Introduction: The script concordance test (SCT) is one the besttools used to evaluate clinical reasoning in ill-defined clinicalsituations. The aim of this study was to demonstrate SCTapplication in otolaryngology residency training.Methods: A 20 item otolaryngology SCT containing 60 questionswas administered to 26 otolaryngology residents. The test wasprepared by two otolaryngologists familiar...
[ 16 ] - Research priorities in medical education at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences: categories and subcategories in the Iranian context
Introduction: Research in education is a globally significant issuewithout a long history. Due to the importance of the issue in HealthSystem Development programs, this study intended to determineresearch priorities in medical education, considering their detailsand functions. By determining barriers existing in research ineducation progress, it is tried to make research priorities morefunction...
[ 17 ] - A brief description of Medical Education Master Program in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
As Medical sciences become more advanced andgrow each day, so do the challenges of medicaleducation. To overcome the new obstacles whichare an inseparable part of science evolution, it isnecessary to renew and improve the educationalsystem .Achieving this, requires individuals whoare educated in the new methods of learning andtherefore can lead others through educationalsystem development. Duri...
[ 18 ] - Assessment of the interns’ ability based on Dundee model in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Introduction: The importance of medical profession and therole of the physician in society is no secret to anyone. Skills andcompetencies in clinical practice are necessary for the medicalprofession. In fact, in patient care, doctors require practical skillsin addition to scientific knowledge. This study examines thepotentials of medical school students in three areas of doing theright thing, d...
[ 19 ] - The main indicators for Iranian hospital ethical accreditation
Introduction: The application of organizational ethics in hospitalsis one of the novel ways to improve medical ethics. Nowadaysachieving efficient and sufficient ethical hospital indicators seemsto be inevitable. In this connection, the present study aims todetermine the best indicators in hospital accreditation.Methods: 69 indicators in 11 fields to evaluate hospital ethicswere achieved throug...
[ 20 ] - Qualitative evaluation of general practitioner training program as viewed by graduates from Shiraz, Fasa and Jahrom Medical Universities
of higher education into focus in the past few years. They havetried to improve the quality of their own higher education. Thestudies show that Iranian Universities are not at an accepted levelin terms of quality. They have encountered several problemswhich have diminished their quality level. This study aimed atassessing the quality of medical education program as viewed bygeneral practitioner...
[ 21 ] - Inservice trainings for Shiraz University Medical Sciences employees: Effectiveness assessment by using the CIPP model
become one of the core components in survival and success ofany organization. Unfortunately, despite the importance oftraining evaluation, a small portion of resources are allocated tothis matter. Among many evaluation models, the CIPP model orContext, Input, Process, Product model is a very useful approachto educational evaluation. So far, the evaluation of the trainingcourses mostly provided ...
[ 22 ] - Needs assessment and evaluation of a short course to improve faculties teaching skills at a former World Health Organization regional teacher training center
Introduction: In the design of educational programs, much attentionhas been paid to teaching methods, needs assessment, an importantpart of the development of educational programs, generally isneglected. Another important aspect in educational program design isassessing effectiveness. The aims of this study were to design a formalneeds assessment program to define the core contents of a faculty...
[ 23 ] - Comparison of residents’ approaches to clinical decisions before and after the implementation of Evidence Based Medicine course
Introduction: It has been found that the decision-making process in medicine is affected, to a large extent, by one’s experience, individual mentality, previous models, and common habitual approaches, in addition to scientific principles. Evidence-based medicine is an approach attempting to reinforce scientific, systematic and critical thinking in physicians and provide the ground for optimal d...
[ 24 ] - Team-based assessment of professional behavior in medical students
Introducrion: Self and peer assessment provides important information about the individual’s performance and behavior in all aspects of their professional environment work. The aim of this study is to evaluate the professional behavior and performance in medical students in the form of team based assessment.Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 100 medical students in the 7th yearof education we...
[ 25 ] - Evaluation of the efficacy of peer-learning method in nutrition students of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Introduction: One of notable initiatives in improving the academic educationis to use the abilities of students to learn together in a new and effective system of peer learning. In this regard, Education Development Center in Shiraz university of Medical Sciences proceed to implementation and study of the curriculum and teaching methods course in the form of peer learning for college students o...
[ 26 ] - Faculty members’ viewpoints about the present and the ideal teacher evaluation system in Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Introduction: This study was conducted to determine the most importantstrengths and weaknesses of the present evaluation system in Tehran University of Medical Sciences and achieve the main factors to improve this system.Method: It was a mixed method study design in two separate and sequential phases. The first phase was a qualitative step applying a document analysis method to interpret the pr...
[ 27 ] - The effects of homogeneous small groups on the efficacy of problem-based learning
Introduction: Problem-based learning (PBL) as a learning style has gained a special position amongst different levels of education systems, and many different approaches, such as tutor education, proper scenario presentation, etc., are used to increase its efficiency. However, the role of homogeneous groups to facilitate team working has never been studied. The purpose of this study is to exami...
[ 28 ] - Implementation and evolution of the horizontal integration at shiraz medical school
Introduction: General medical education starts with basic sciences whichusually continue about 2.5 to 3 years. In this period, the students study basic medical sciences and then start the clinical stage in which they deal with diagnoses, care, and cure of disease. The purpose of this study was to assess the integration of basic sciences period with the clinical period at Shiraz University of Me...
[ 29 ] - Teachers’ and Students’ Satisfaction with DOPS Examination in Islamic Azad University of Mashhad, a Study in Year 2012
Introduction: Assessment is an essential and integral part of medicine. In addition to validity and reliability, a desirable method for student evaluation should leave a positive effect on student’s learning and be feasible and acceptable by students and teachers. Hence, this study aimed to survey students’ and teachers’ satisfaction with DOPS examination. Methods: This experimental study used...
[ 30 ] - Barriers of critical thinking in medical students’ curriculum from the viewpoint of medical education experts: A qualitative study
Introduction: The widespread developments of the twentyfirstcentury have been accompanied by the presentation ofintellectual patterns and theories and new achievements. Thesenew achievements emphasize the skill of thinking at high levels,especially in the educational system of universities. This skillis essential for medical students; therefore, the present study<b...
[ 31 ] - Academic procrastination of medical students: The role of Internet addiction
Introduction: The internet is an essential and widely used toolfor college students; however, high internet dependency can havenegative consequences for students, especially regarding academiccareers. Such students may tend to postpone their academic tasks.Hence, the current study examines the effect of Internet addictionon academic procrastination among medical st...
[ 32 ] - International Public Health Responses to COVID-19 Outbreak: A Rapid Review
Background: The outbreak of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has posed a significant threat to many countries. Since the disease does not currently have a particular treatment, there is a compelling need to find substitute means to dominate its expansion. In this rapid review, we aimed to determine some countries’ public responses to the COVID-19 epidemic.Methods: In this study, academ...
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