Eesa Mohammadi

Associate Professor of Nursing, Department of Nursing, School of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - Challenges in facing organ donation request of the family of brain-dead patients: a qualitative analysis

Background: The sudden nature of confrontation with brain death complicates organ donation request and makes the understanding difficult  for the family. Understanding the experience of these families with inductive approach provides a better understanding of their problems and explains the approaches to help families in this difficult and complex situation. Aim: To discover mental concerns and...

[ 2 ] - Experiences of Commissioning Mothers in Selection of Surrogate Mother

Background: The practice of surrogacy is one of the most controversial procedures in infertility treatment. Despite increasing of using this technology in Iran, there are few practical data about surrogacy.There isn't any study assessing experiences of commissioning mothers about surrogate mother selection. Aim: The purpose of this study was exploring of commissioning mothers' experiences in se...

[ 3 ] - A Narrative Review on Basic Themes and Traits of Classic Grounded Theory

Introduction: There are many challenges and ambiguities on family of grounded theory (GT) notwithstanding their reputation. Learners of bases and methods and commitment to a specific method are necessary because of the vying nature of different approaches. The aim of this article is to know the traits of Classic GT and to help to differentiate Classic GT from other similar methods. Methods: Th...