Amin Padash

Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - Comparison of Rural Solid Waste Management in Two Central Provinces of Iran

Solid waste management has been known to play an important role in public health and the environmental status of developing countries. Waste assessment can help researchers and governors in management programs and devising alternative plans in order to improve public health and economical savings. In the present study, statistical estimations regarding waste generation and type of solid wastes ...

[ 2 ] - Modeling of Environmental Impact Assessment Based on RIAM and TOPSIS for Desalination and Operating Units

An environmental impact assessment is an assessment of the possible positive or negative impact that a proposed project may have on the environment, together consisting of the natural, social and economic aspects.  Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Masjid-I-Sulaiman desalination and operating unit’s project in the southern of Iran using Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix (RIAM) method is pre...
