Mohammad Mehdizadeh Khalsaraei

Faculty of Mathematical Science, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran

[ 1 ] - Positivity-preserving nonstandard finite difference Schemes for simulation of advection-diffusion reaction equations

Systems in which reaction terms are coupled to diffusion and advection transports arise in a wide range of chemical engineering applications, physics, biology and environmental. In these cases, the components of the unknown can denote concentrations or population sizes which represent quantities and they need to remain positive. Classical finite difference schemes may produce numerical drawback...

[ 2 ] - A new total variation diminishing implicit nonstandard finite difference scheme for conservation laws

In this paper, a new implicit nonstandard finite difference scheme for conservation laws, which preserving the property of TVD (total variation diminishing) of the solution, is proposed. This scheme is derived by using nonlocal approximation for nonlinear terms of partial differential equation. Schemes preserving the essential physical property of TVD are of great importance in practice. Such s...

[ 3 ] - 2-stage explicit total variation diminishing preserving Runge-Kutta methods

In this paper, we investigate the total variation diminishing property for a class of 2-stage explicit Rung-Kutta methods of order two (RK2) when applied to the numerical solution of special nonlinear initial value problems (IVPs) for (ODEs). Schemes preserving the essential physical property of diminishing total variation are of great importance in practice. Such schemes are free of spurious o...

[ 4 ] - Nonstandard explicit third-order Runge-Kutta method with positivity property

When one solves differential equations, modeling physical phenomena, it is of great importance to take physical constraints into account. More precisely, numerical schemes have to be designed such that discrete solutions satisfy the same constraints as exact solutions. Based on general theory for positivity, with an explicit third-order Runge-Kutta method (we will refer to it as RK3 method) pos...

[ 5 ] - An efficient nonstandard numerical method with positivity preserving property

Classical explicit finite difference schemes are unsuitable for the solution of the famous Black-Scholes partial differential equation, since they impose severe restrictions on the time step. Furthermore, they may produce spurious oscillations in the solution. We propose a new scheme that is free of spurious oscillations and guarantees the positivity of the solution for arbitrary stepsizes. The...

[ 6 ] - A family of positive nonstandard numerical methods with application to Black-Scholes equation

Nonstandard finite difference schemes for the Black-Scholes partial differential equation preserving the positivity property are proposed. Computationally simple schemes are derived by using a nonlocal approximation in the reaction term of the Black-Scholes equation. Unlike the standard methods, the solutions of new proposed schemes are positive and free of the spurious oscillations.

[ 7 ] - Nonstandard finite difference schemes for differential equations

In this paper, the reorganization of the denominator of the discrete derivative and nonlocal approximation of nonlinear terms are used in the design of nonstandard finite difference schemes (NSFDs). Numerical examples confirming then efficiency of schemes, for some differential equations are provided. In order to illustrate the accuracy of the new NSFDs, the numerical results are compared with ...