A. Ahmadkhanlu

Azarbayjan University of Tarbiat Moallem

[ 1 ] - On the existence and uniqueness of solution of initial value problem for fractional order differential equations on time scales

n this paper, at first the  concept of Caputo fractionalderivative is generalized on time scales. Then the fractional orderdifferential equations are introduced on time scales. Finally,sufficient and necessary conditions are presented for the existenceand uniqueness of solution of initial valueproblem including fractional order differential equations.

[ 2 ] - The Wave Equation in Non-classic Cases: Non-self Adjoint with Non-local and Non-periodic Boundary Conditions

In this paper has been studied the wave equation in some non-classic cases. In the  rst case boundary conditions are non-local and non-periodic. At that case the associated spectral problem is a self-adjoint problem and consequently the eigenvalues are real. But the second case the associated spectral problem is non-self-adjoint and consequently the eigenvalues are complex numbers,in which two ...
