M. H. Hooshmand
Islamic Azad University - Shiraz Branch
[ 1 ] - Grouplikes
In this paper we introduce and study an algebraic structure, namely Grouplike. A grouplike is something between semigroup and group and its axioms are generalizations of the four group axioms. Every grouplike is a semigroup containing the minimum ideal that is also a maximal subgroup (but the converse is not valid). The first idea of grouplikes comes from b-parts and $b$-addition of real number...
By left magma-$e$-magma, I mean a set containingthe fixed element $e$, and equipped by two binary operations "$cdot$", $odot$ with the property $eodot (xcdot y)=eodot(xodot y)$, namelyleft $e$-join law. So, $(X,cdot,e,odot)$ is a left magma-$e$-magmaif and only if $(X,cdot)$, $(X,odot)$ are magmas (groupoids), $ein X$ and the left $e$-join law holds.Right (and two-sided) magma-$e$-magmas are de...
[ 3 ] - New Criteria for Existence of a Class of Generalized Euler-types Constants
One of the most important mathematical constants is Euler-Mascheroni constant that is the limit of the sequence -------------------------------- and is denoted by gamma. Some other developed constants known as Euler type constants are introduced in order to generalize the above constant. In the present paper, inspired by the functional sequence derivative of the limit summand of functions (i...