B. Khadijeh Moosavi

Islamic Azad University, Bafgh Branch

[ 1 ] - Weak Banach-Saks property in the space of compact operators

For suitable Banach spaces $X$ and $Y$ with Schauder decompositions and‎ ‎a suitable closed subspace $mathcal{M}$ of some compact operator space from $X$ to $Y$‎, ‎it is shown that the strong Banach-Saks-ness of all evaluation‎ ‎operators on ${mathcal M}$ is a sufficient condition for the weak‎ ‎Banach-Saks property of ${mathcal M}$, where for each $xin X$ and $y^*in‎ ‎Y^*$‎, ‎the evaluation op...

[ 2 ] - Wilson wavelets for solving nonlinear stochastic integral equations

A new computational method based on Wilson wavelets is proposed for solving a class of nonlinear stochastic It^{o}-Volterra integral equations. To do this a new stochastic operational matrix of It^{o} integration for Wilson wavelets is obtained. Block pulse functions (BPFs) and collocation method are used to generate a process to forming this matrix. Using these basis functions and their operat...