Ayoub Gharibkhajeh

Islamic Azad university North-Tehran Branch

[ 1 ] - A graphical difference between the inverse and regular semigroups

In this paper we investigate the Green‎ ‎graphs for the regular and inverse semigroups by considering the‎ ‎Green classes of them‎. ‎And by using the properties of these‎ ‎semigroups‎, ‎we prove that all of the five Green graphs for the‎ ‎inverse semigroups are isomorphic complete graphs‎, ‎while this‎ ‎doesn't hold for the regular semigroups‎. ‎In other words‎, ‎we prove‎ ‎that in a regular se...

[ 2 ] - Triple factorization of non-abelian groups by two maximal subgroups

The triple factorization of a group $G$ has been studied recently showing that $G=ABA$ for some proper subgroups $A$ and $B$ of $G$, the definition of rank-two geometry and rank-two coset geometry which is closely related to the triple factorization was defined and calculated for abelian groups. In this paper we study two infinite classes of non-abelian finite groups $D_{2n}$ and $PSL(2,2^{n})$...

[ 3 ] - On the Graphs Related to Green Relations of Finite Semigroups

In this paper we develop an analog of the notion of the con- jugacy graph of  nite groups for the  nite semigroups by considering the Green relations of a  nite semigroup. More precisely, by de ning the new graphs $Gamma_{L}(S)$, $Gamma_{H}(S)$, $Gamma_{J}(S)$ and $Gamma_{D}(S)$ (we name them the Green graphs) related to the Green relations L R J H and D of a  nite semigroup S , we  first atte...
