A. Behtoei
Isfahan university of techmology
[ 1 ] - The locating chromatic number of the join of graphs
Let $f$ be a proper $k$-coloring of a connected graph $G$ and $Pi=(V_1,V_2,ldots,V_k)$ be an ordered partition of $V(G)$ into the resulting color classes. For a vertex $v$ of $G$, the color code of $v$ with respect to $Pi$ is defined to be the ordered $k$-tuple $c_{{}_Pi}(v)=(d(v,V_1),d(v,V_2),ldots,d(v,V_k))$, where $d(v,V_i)=min{d(v,x):~xin V_i}, 1leq ileq k$. If distinct...