Gh. Aghamollaei
Department of Pure Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
[ 1 ] - Higher numerical ranges of matrix polynomials
Let $P(lambda)$ be an $n$-square complex matrix polynomial, and $1 leq k leq n$ be a positive integer. In this paper, some algebraic and geometrical properties of the $k$-numerical range of $P(lambda)$ are investigated. In particular, the relationship between the $k$-numerical range of $P(lambda)$ and the $k$-numerical range of its companion linearization is stated. Moreover, the $k$-numerical...
[ 2 ] - Some numerical radius inequalities with positive definite functions
Using several examples of positive definite functions, some inequalities for the numerical radius of matrices are investigated. Also, some open problems are stated.
[ 3 ] - Generalized numerical ranges of matrix polynomials
In this paper, we introduce the notions of C-numerical range and C-spectrum of matrix polynomials. Some algebraic and geometrical properties are investigated. We also study the relationship between the C-numerical range of a matrix polynomial and the joint C-numerical range of its coefficients.
[ 4 ] - Some results on higher numerical ranges and radii of quaternion matrices
Let $n$ and $k$ be two positive integers, $kleq n$ and $A$ be an $n$-square quaternion matrix. In this paper, some results on the $k-$numerical range of $A$ are investigated. Moreover, the notions of $k$-numerical radius, right $k$-spectral radius and $k$-norm of $A$ are introduced, and some of their algebraic properties are studied.
[ 5 ] - Higher rank numerical ranges of rectangular matrix polynomials
In this paper, the notion of rank-k numerical range of rectangular complex matrix polynomials are introduced. Some algebraic and geometrical properties are investigated. Moreover, for ϵ > 0; the notion of Birkhoff-James approximate orthogonality sets for ϵ-higher rank numerical ranges of rectangular matrix polynomials is also introduced and studied. The proposed denitions yield a natural genera...
[ 6 ] - On higher rank numerical hulls of normal matrices
In this paper, some algebraic and geometrical properties of the rank$-k$ numerical hulls of normal matrices are investigated. A characterization of normal matrices whose rank$-1$ numerical hulls are equal to their numerical range is given. Moreover, using the extreme points of the numerical range, the higher rank numerical hulls of matrices of the form $A_1 oplus i A_2$, where $A_1...
[ 7 ] - Cartesian decomposition of matrices and some norm inequalities
Let X be an n-square complex matrix with the Cartesian decomposition X = A + i B, where A and B are n times n Hermitian matrices. It is known that $Vert X Vert_p^2 leq 2(Vert A Vert_p^2 + Vert B Vert_p^2)$, where $p geq 2$ and $Vert . Vert_p$ is the Schatten p-norm. In this paper, this inequality and some of its improvements ...
[ 8 ] - بررسی همگرایی روش GMRES برای ماتریسهای همراه بلوکی از طریق غلافهای عددی چندجملهای وار
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[ 9 ] - Some Results on Polynomial Numerical Hulls of Perturbed Matrices
In this paper, the behavior of the pseudopolynomial numerical hull of a square complex matrix with respect to structured perturbations and its radius is investigated.
[ 10 ] - Some Results on the Field of Values of Matrix Polynomials
In this paper, the notions of pseudofield of values and joint pseudofield of values of matrix polynomials are introduced and some of their algebraic and geometrical properties are studied. Moreover, the relationship between the pseudofield of values of a matrix polynomial and the pseudofield of values of its companion linearization is stated, and then some properties of the augmented field of ...