H. Saadat

Department of Mathematics‎, ‎Faculty of Basic Science‎, ‎University‎ ‎of Maragheh‎, ‎P.O‎. ‎Box 55181-83111‎, ‎Maragheh‎, ‎Iran.

[ 1 ] - P-stability‎, ‎TF and VSDPL technique in Obrechkoff methods for the numerical solution of the Schrodinger equation

Many simulation algorithms (chemical reaction systems, differential systems arising from the modeling of transient behavior in the process industries and etc.) contain the numerical solution of systems of differential equations. For the efficient solution of the above mentioned problems, linear multistep methods or Runge-Kutta technique are used. For the simulation of chemical procedures the ra...

[ 2 ] - Trigonometrically fitted two-step obrechkoff methods for the numerical solution of periodic initial value problems

In this paper, we present a new two-step trigonometrically fitted symmetric Obrechkoff method. The method is based on the symmetric two-step Obrechkoff method, with eighth algebraic order, high phase-lag order and is constructed to solve IVPs with periodic solutions such as orbital problems. We compare the new method to some recently constructed optimized methods from the literature. The numeri...

[ 3 ] - A New High Order Closed Newton-Cotes Trigonometrically-fitted Formulae for the Numerical Solution of the Schrodinger Equation

In this paper, we investigate the connection between closed Newton-Cotes formulae, trigonometrically-fitted methods, symplectic integrators and efficient integration of the Schr¨odinger equation. The study of multistep symplectic integrators is very poor although in the last decades several one step symplectic integrators have been produced based on symplectic geometry (see the relevant lit...
