M. R. ‎Peyghami

K.N. Toosi University of Department of‎ ‎Mathematics‎, ‎K‎. ‎N‎. ‎Toosi University of Technology‎, ‎P.O‎. ‎Box 16315-1618‎, ‎Tehran‎, ‎Iran.

[ 1 ] - A limited memory adaptive trust-region approach for large-scale unconstrained optimization

This study concerns with a trust-region-based method for solving unconstrained optimization problems. The approach takes the advantages of the compact limited memory BFGS updating formula together with an appropriate adaptive radius strategy. In our approach, the adaptive technique leads us to decrease the number of subproblems solving, while utilizing the structure of limited memory quasi-Newt...

[ 2 ] - An approach based on statistical spline model for Volterra-Fredholm integral equations

‎In this paper‎, ‎an approach based on statistical spline model (SSM) and collocation method is proposed to solve Volterra-Fredholm integral equations‎. ‎The set of collocation nodes is chosen so that the points yield minimal error in the nodal polynomials‎. ‎Under some standard assumptions‎, ‎we establish the convergence property of this approach‎. ‎Numerical results on some problems are given...

[ 3 ] - An interior-point algorithm for $P_{ast}(kappa)$-linear complementarity problem based on a new trigonometric kernel function

In this paper, an interior-point algorithm  for $P_{ast}(kappa)$-Linear Complementarity Problem (LCP) based on a new parametric trigonometric kernel function is proposed. By applying strictly feasible starting point condition and using some simple analysis tools, we prove that our algorithm has $O((1+2kappa)sqrt{n} log nlogfrac{n}{epsilon})$ iteration bound for large-update methods, which coinc...

[ 4 ] - An Interior Point Algorithm for Solving Convex Quadratic Semidefinite Optimization Problems Using a New Kernel Function

In this paper, we consider convex quadratic semidefinite optimization problems and provide a primal-dual Interior Point Method (IPM) based on a new kernel function with a trigonometric barrier term. Iteration complexity of the algorithm is analyzed using some easy to check and mild conditions. Although our proposed kernel function is neither a Self-Regular (SR) fun...

[ 5 ] - یک روش نایکنوای فیلتردار برای حل دستگاه معادلات غیرخطی

In this paper, a new approach is presented for solving nonlinear systems of equations in which a derivative-free nonmonotone strategy is employed. Besides, the new approach is equipped with a filter technique. Using this concept, we store some trial points that are probably ignored by some other line search methods. The new algorithm utilizes the information of existing points in the filter in ...