K. Amini

Department of‎ ‎Mathematics‎, ‎Razi University‎, ‎Kermanshah‎, ‎Iran.

[ 1 ] - A limited memory adaptive trust-region approach for large-scale unconstrained optimization

This study concerns with a trust-region-based method for solving unconstrained optimization problems. The approach takes the advantages of the compact limited memory BFGS updating formula together with an appropriate adaptive radius strategy. In our approach, the adaptive technique leads us to decrease the number of subproblems solving, while utilizing the structure of limited memory quasi-Newt...

[ 3 ] - A new Levenberg-Marquardt approach based on Conjugate gradient structure for solving absolute value equations

In this paper, we present a new approach for solving absolute value equation (AVE) whichuse Levenberg-Marquardt method with conjugate subgradient structure. In conjugate subgradientmethods the new direction obtain by combining steepest descent direction and the previous di-rection which may not lead to good numerical results. Therefore, we replace the steepest descentdir...