N. Parveen
Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 202002, India.
[ 1 ] - Some commutativity theorems for $*$-prime rings with $(sigma,tau)$-derivation
Let $R$ be a $*$-prime ring with center $Z(R)$, $d$ a non-zero $(sigma,tau)$-derivation of $R$ with associated automorphisms $sigma$ and $tau$ of $R$, such that $sigma$, $tau$ and $d$ commute with $'*'$. Suppose that $U$ is an ideal of $R$ such that $U^*=U$, and $C_{sigma,tau}={cin R~|~csigma(x)=tau(x)c~mbox{for~all}~xin R}.$ In the present paper, it is shown that if charac...