M. Tamekkante

Department of Mathematics‎, ‎Faculty‎ ‎of Science‎, ‎Box 11201 Zitoune‎, ‎University Moulay Ismail Meknes‎, ‎Morocco.

[ 1 ] - On pm$^+$ and finite character bi-amalgamation

‎Let $f:Arightarrow B$ and $g:A rightarrow C$ be two ring homomorphisms and let $J$ and $J^{'}$ be two ideals of $B$ and $C$‎, ‎respectively‎, ‎such that $f^{-1}(J)=g^{-1}(J^{'})$‎. ‎The bi-amalgamation of $A$ with $(B,C)$ along $(J,J^{'})$ with respect of $(f,g)$ is the subring of $Btimes C$ given by‎ ‎$Abowtie^{f,g}(J,J^{'})={(f(a)+j,g(a)+j^{'})‎/ ‎a in A‎, ‎(j,j^{'}) in Jtimes J^{'}}.$‎ ‎In ...


E.M. Bouba 1