V. Mohebbi
Department of Mathematics, University of Zanjan, P. O. Box 45195-313, Zanjan, Iran.
[ 1 ] - Non-homogeneous continuous and discrete gradient systems: the quasi-convex case
In this paper, first we study the weak and strong convergence of solutions to the following first order nonhomogeneous gradient system $$begin{cases}-x'(t)=nablaphi(x(t))+f(t), text{a.e. on} (0,infty)\x(0)=x_0in Hend{cases}$$ to a critical point of $phi$, where $phi$ is a $C^1$ quasi-convex function on a real Hilbert space $H$ with ${rm Argmin}phineqvarnothing$ and $fin L^1(0...