A.A. Estaji

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences‎, ‎Hakim Sabzevari University‎, ‎P.O‎. ‎Box 397‎, ‎Sabzevar‎, ‎Iran.

[ 1 ] - Zero elements and $z$-ideals in modified pointfree topology

‎In this paper‎, ‎we define and study the notion of zero elements in topoframes; a topoframe is a pair‎ ‎$(L‎, ‎tau)$‎, ‎abbreviated $L_{ tau}$‎, ‎consisting of a frame $L$ and a‎ ‎subframe $ tau $ all of whose elements are complemented elements in‎ ‎$L$‎. ‎We show that‎ ‎the $f$-ring $ mathcal{R}(L_tau)$‎, ‎the set of $tau$-real continuous functions on $L$‎, ‎is uniformly complete‎. ‎Also‎, ‎t...

[ 2 ] - Zero sets in pointfree topology and strongly $z$-ideals

In this paper a particular case of z-ideals, called strongly z-ideal, is defined by introducing zero sets in pointfree topology. We study strongly z-ideals, their relation with z-ideals and the role of spatiality in this relation. For strongly z-ideals, we analyze prime ideals using the concept of zero sets. Moreover, it is proven that the intersection of all zero sets of a prime ideal of C(L),...

[ 3 ] - On Property (A) and the socle of the $f$-ring $Frm(mathcal{P}(mathbb R), L)$

For a frame $L$, consider the $f$-ring $ mathcal{F}_{mathcal P}L=Frm(mathcal{P}(mathbb R), L)$. In this paper, first we show that each minimal ideal of $ mathcal{F}_{mathcal P}L$ is a principal ideal generated by $f_a$, where $a$ is an atom of $L$. Then we show that if $L$ is an $mathcal{F}_{mathcal P}$-completely regular frame, then the socle of $ mathcal{F}_{mathcal P}L$ consists of those $f$...

[ 4 ] - The ring of real-valued functions on a frame

In this paper, we define and study the notion of the real-valued functions on a frame $L$. We show that $F(L) $, consisting of all frame homomorphisms from the power set of $mathbb{R}$ to a frame $ L$, is an $f$-ring, as a generalization of all functions from a set $X$ into $mathbb R$. Also, we show that $F(L) $ is isomorphic to a sub-$f$-ring of $mathcal{R}(L)$, the ring of real-valued continu...

[ 5 ] - The ring of real-continuous functions on a topoframe

 A topoframe, denoted by $L_{ tau}$,  is a pair $(L, tau)$ consisting of a frame $L$ and a subframe $ tau $ all of whose elements are complementary elements in $L$. In this paper, we define and study the notions of a $tau $-real-continuous function on a frame $L$ and the set of real continuous functions $mathcal{R}L_tau $ as an $f$-ring. We show that $mathcal{R}L_{ tau}$ is actually a generali...


A frame $L$ is called {it coz-dense} if $Sigma_{coz(alpha)}=emptyset$ implies $alpha=mathbf 0$. Let $mathcal RL$ be the ring of real-valued continuous functions on a coz-dense and completely regular frame $L$. We present a description of the socle of the ring $mathcal RL$ based on minimal ideals of $mathcal RL$ and zero sets in pointfree topology. We show that socle of $mathcal RL$ is an essent...


‎‎In this paper‎, ‎we define fuzzy subnexuses over a nexus $N$‎. ‎Define and study the notions of the prime fuzzy subnexuses and the fractions‎‎induced by them‎. ‎Finally‎, ‎we show that if S is a meet‎‎closed subset of the set Fsub(N), ‎of fuzzy subnexuses of a nexus N‎, ‎and‎‎h= ⋀S ϵ S, ‎then the fractions S^-1 N and h^-1 N are isomorphic as meet-semilattices‎.

[ 8 ] - Some results on Noetherian semigroup

In this paper we study some results on Noetherian semigroups. We  show that if  $S_S$ is an  strongly  faithful $S$-act and $S$ is a duo weakly Noetherian, then we have the following.

[ 9 ] - Lattice of full soft Lie algebra

In ‎this ‎paper, ‎we ‎study ‎the ‎relation ‎between ‎the ‎soft ‎sets ‎and ‎soft ‎Lie ‎algebras ‎with ‎the ‎lattice theory. ‎We ‎introduce ‎the ‎concepts ‎of ‎the ‎lattice ‎of ‎soft ‎sets, ‎full ‎soft ‎sets ‎and ‎soft ‎Lie ‎algebras ‎and next, we ‎verify ‎some ‎properties ‎of ‎them. We ‎prove ‎that ‎the ‎lattice ‎of ‎the ‎soft ‎sets ‎on ‎a fixed parameter set is isomorphic to the power set of a ...

[ 10 ] - Ompactification of Completely Regular Frames based on their Cozero Part

 Let L  be a frame. We denoted the set of all regular ideals of cozL by rId(cozL) . The aim of this paper is to study these ideals. For a  frame L , we show that  rId(cozL) is a compact completely regular frame and the map jc : rId(cozL)→L  given by jc (I)=⋁I   is a compactification of L which is isomorphism to its  Stone–Čech compactification and is proved that jc have a right adjoint rc : L →...