A.B.M‎. Basheer

School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences‎, ‎University of Limpopo (Turfloop)‎, ‎P‎. ‎Bag X1106‎, ‎Sovenga 0727‎, ‎South Africa.

[ 1 ] - The ranks of the classes of $A_{10}$

‎Let $G $ be a finite group and $X$ be a conjugacy class of $G.$ The‎ ‎rank of $X$ in $G,$ denoted by $rank(G{:}X),$ is defined to‎ ‎be the minimal number of elements of $X$ generating $G.$ In this‎ ‎paper we establish the ranks of all the conjugacy classes of‎ ‎elements for simple alternating group $A_{10}$ using the structure‎ ‎constants method and other results established in‎ ‎[A.B.M‎. ‎Bas...

[ 2 ] - Clifford-Fischer theory applied to a group of the form $2_{-}^{1+6}{:}((3^{1+2}{:}8){:}2)$

‎In our paper [A‎. ‎B‎. ‎M‎. ‎Basheer and J‎. ‎Moori‎, ‎On a group of the form $2^{10}{:}(U_{5}(2){:}2)$] we calculated the inertia factors‎, ‎Fischer matrices and the ordinary character table of the split‎ ‎extension $ 2^{10}{:}(U_{5}(2){:}2)$ by means of Clifford-Fischer‎ ‎Theory‎. ‎The second inertia factor group of $2^{10}{:}(U_{5}(2){:}2)$‎ ‎is a group of the form $2_{-}^{1+6}{:}((3^{1+2}{...

[ 3 ] - On the non-split extension $2^{2n}{^{cdot}}Sp(2n,2)$

In this paper we give some general results on the non-splitextension group $overline{G}_{n} = 2^{2n}{^{cdot}}Sp(2n,2), ngeq2.$ We then focus on the group $overline{G}_{4} =2^{8}{^{cdot}}Sp(8,2).$ We construct $overline{G}_{4}$ as apermutation group acting on 512 points. The conjugacy classes aredetermined using the coset analysis technique. Then we determine theinertia factor groups and Fischer...

[ 4 ] - On the non-split extension group $2^{6}{^{cdot}}Sp(6,2)$

In this paper we first construct the non-split extension $overline{G}= 2^{6} {^{cdot}}Sp(6,2)$ as a permutation group acting on 128 points. We then determine the conjugacy classes using the coset analysis technique, inertia factor groups and Fischer matrices, which are required for the computations of the character table of $overline{G}$ by means of Clifford-Fischer Theory. There are two inerti...


J. Moori 3