Hamid Reza Karbalaei-Heidari

Shiraz University

[ 1 ] - Microsciadin, a New Milk-Clotting Cysteine Protease from an Endemic Species, Euphorbia microsciadia

In the present work, a new branch of biotechnological advantage of the latex of an endemic perennial plant, Euphorbia microsciadia has been introduced. A novel cysteine protease, designated as microsciadin, was purified from the latex of Euphorbia microsciadia by a combination of sequential usage of SP-Sepharose Fast Flow column in two different pHs and a final gel filtration ...

[ 2 ] - A novel low molecular weight extracellular protease from a moderately halophilic bacterium Salinivibrio sp. strain MS-7: production and biochemical properties

Kinetics of bacterial growth and protease production were monitored on a novel isolated moderately halophilic bacterium, Salinivibrio sp. strain MS-7, and maximum growth and protease activity was achieved after 48 hours at 30°C and 180 rpm. To determine the effect of various carbon sources on protease production, glucose, lactose, sucrose and maltose were investigated and  maximum production of...

[ 3 ] - Isolation and Partial Characterization of a Bacterial Thermostable Polymethyl Galacturonase from a Newly Isolated Bacillus sp. strain BR1390

Background: Pectinases are pectin degrading class of enzymes including polygalacturonase (PG), polymethyl galacturonase (PMG), pectate lyase (PEL), and pectin esterase (PE) that are commonly used in processes involving the degradation of plant materials, such as speeding up the extraction of fruit juices. Objectives: A highly methylated pectin degrading bacterium from soil covered with fruit wa...