Edward P. Krenzelok

Professor Emeritus, School of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh Poison Center, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, USA

[ 1 ] - Toxic Christmas and New Year Holiday Plants...or Are They?

Background: Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima), holly (Ilex opaca) and mistletoe (Phoradendron flavescens) adorn homes during the Christmas and New Year holiday season and create the potential for curious children to sample their colorful leaves and enticing berries. This study was aimed to review the American Association of Poison Control Centers National Poison Data System (AAPCC NPDS) to des...

[ 2 ] - Retrospective Review of Trend in Modafinil Overexposures Reported to American Poison Information Centers

Background:Modafinil, a non-amphetamine central nervous system stimulant, is a wakefulness-promoting agent indicated for use in shift work sleep disorder, narcolepsy, and obstructive sleep apnea. The trend in modafinil overexposure over a ten-year period and the population likely to experience a resulting clinical effect is evaluated. Methods: Using data from the American Association of Poison ...
