Ashish Bhalla

Post graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India

[ 1 ] - Why Do the Results of Studies on the Effectiveness of Pralidoxime for Treatment of Organophosphate Poisoning Vary?

Organophosphate (OP) compounds are frequently used agorchemicals for deliberate self-harm in some parts of the world resulting in high mortality and morbidity. Pralidoxime (2PAM) is the most widely used and trialed oxime for treatment of OP poisoning. There have been variations over the results of trials using 2PAM for OP poisoning. 2PAM therapy has led to favorable outcomes in some studies, wh...

[ 2 ] - An Experience with Manual Ventilation in Respiratory Paralysis Due to Indian Common Krait (Bungarus Caeruleus) Bite

Background: Bungarus caeruleus (common krait) bite during monsoon season is common in northwest India. Respiratory failure is responsible for high mortality in the victims. In this study we report our experience with manual ventilation using bag valve mask (BVM) in patients with neuroparalysis due to common krait bite.  Methods:This prospective study was conducted between June 2009 and December...

[ 3 ] - Development of a New Vernacular Tool for Diagnosis of Alcohol Dependence in the Emergency

Background: Alcohol dependence (AD) is a major reason for morbidity and visits to emergency medical settings. However, the detection of AD is often difficult or overlooked. This study aimed to develop a brief screening questionnaire in Hindi language for detection of AD in an emergency medical setting. Methods:  The authors in consultation devised a set of questions related to AD in the Hindi l...

[ 4 ] - Changing Pattern of Epidemic Dropsy in North India

Background:Epidemic dropsy occurs due to ingestion of mustard oil contaminated with oil from Argemone mexicana, leading to edema and tenderness of the abdomen, upper and lower limbs. In this study, clinical profiles of patients presented with epidemic dropsy in north India are described. Methods: This was a prospective study of patients presented with epidemic dropsy to the emergency department...