Simin Saidi Goraghani

Farhangian University

[ 1 ] - Ultra and Involution Ideals in $BCK$-algebras

In this paper, we define the notions of ultra and involution ideals in $BCK$-algebras. Then we get the relation among them and other ideals as (positive) implicative, associative, commutative and prime ideals. Specially, we show that in a bounded implicative $BCK$-algebra, any involution ideal is a positive implicative ideal and in a bounded positive implicative lower $BCK$-semilattice, the not...

[ 2 ] - Free Extended BCK-Module

In this paper, by considering the notion of extended BCK-module, we define the concepts of free extended BCK-module, free object in category of extended BCK-modules and we state and prove some related results. Specially, we define the notion of idempotent extended BCK-module and we get some important results in free extended BCK-modules. In particular, in category of idempotent extended BCK-mod...

[ 3 ] - New Results on Ideals in $MV$-‎algebras‎

In the present paper, by considering the notion of ideals in $MV$-algebras, we study some kinds of ideals in $MV$-algebras and obtain some results on them. For example, we present definition of ultra ideal in $MV$-algebras, and we get some results on it. In fact, by definition of ultra ideals, we present new conditions to have prime ideals, positive implicative ideals and maximal ideals in $MV$...
