عمیدالاسلام ثقه الاسلامی

استادیار دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد مشهد

[ 1 ] - بررسى تطبیقى مفهوم و اصول به کار رفته در محله ایرانى و واحد همسایگى غربى

هدف این بحث بررسى تطبیقى مفهوم و نقش محله در شهرنشینى ایرانى با واحد همسایگى در شهرسازى معاصر غرب است. ضرورت تحقیق به آن دلیل است که علیرغم اهمیت جایگاه محله و تاثیر آن در ساختار فضایى و اجتماعى شهرسازى سنتى ایران، در طرح هاى توسعه شهرى معاصر کشورمان از الگوى واحد همسایگى غربى استفاده مى شود. روش تحقیق مقایسه تطبیقى است که پس از تحلیل مفاهیم محله و واحد همسایگى، به بررسى دو اصل مرکزیت و قلمرو ب...

[ 2 ] - An Analytical Study on Boundaries of Administrative-defined Neighborhoods Using Residents’ Cognitive Maps (Case study: Mashhad Municipality Neighborhoods, Iran)

The neighborhood has had a long history in Iranian urbanization. Since urban plans wereintroduced by the authorities to shape urban development in Iran half a century ago, the concept of Iranian traditional neighborhood has been neglected gradually. The concept of neighborhood has not found the appropriate status in urban design and planning yet. One of the main reasons is that academics, profe...

[ 3 ] - The Coordinated Planning Theory (The interacted theory with official structural elements of Iran’s urban planning environment)

Aims & Backgrounds: Today, the inconsistencies range of last seven decades planning and urban plans which were due to the lack of formulating an indigenous theory base on the Iranchr(chr(chr('39')39chr('39'))39chr(chr('39')39chr('39')))s planning environment characteristics, are visible. Achieving to the interacted urban planning theory with the official structural elements of Iran’s planning e...

[ 4 ] - Indicating the principle of privacy in Iranian- Islamic urban planning

The principle of "privacy" is one of the principles of Islamic worldview and culture, which is considered as one of the important moral and cultural values ​​in the social life of Muslims. Throughout the history of urbanization in Iran, the concept of privacy and respect for privacy has been influential from the formation of architectural space to the spatial organization of cities and Locating...

[ 5 ] - The theory of "developmental and coordinated legal structure for the formulation of criteria for Iran's urban development plans"

Objectives and contexts: The research started with the concern that "urban planning laws, especially the rules of urban development plans, are not effective". By studying the conducted researches, it was found that urban plans have inefficiencies from the legal and regulatory aspect. The root of some of these inefficiencies is in the "legal structure and laws". Therefore, the aim is to obtain a...