V. Dadashi

Department of Mathematics, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Sari, Iran.

[ 1 ] - On the strong convergence theorems by the hybrid method for a family of mappings in uniformly convex Banach spaces

Some algorithms for nding common xed point of a family of mappings isconstructed. Indeed, let C be a nonempty closed convex subset of a uniformlyconvex Banach space X whose norm is Gateaux dierentiable and let {Tn} bea family of self-mappings on C such that the set of all common fixed pointsof {Tn} is nonempty. We construct a sequence {xn} generated by the hybridmethod and also we give the cond...

[ 2 ] - A Hybrid Proximal Point Algorithm for Resolvent operator in Banach Spaces

Equilibrium problems have many uses in optimization theory and convex analysis and which is why different methods are presented for solving equilibrium problems in different spaces, such as Hilbert spaces and Banach spaces. The purpose of this paper is to provide a method for obtaining a solution to the equilibrium problem in Banach spaces. In fact, we consider a hybrid proximal point algorithm...


M. Roohi 1  

M. Salehi 1  

M. Rabbani 1