H Veiseh

Department of Applied Mathematics, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran

[ 1 ] - A note on positive deniteness and stability of interval matrices

It is proved that by using bounds of eigenvalues of an interval matrix, someconditions for checking positive deniteness and stability of interval matricescan be presented. These conditions have been proved previously with variousmethods and now we provide some new proofs for them with a unity method.Furthermore we introduce a new necessary and sucient condition for checkingstability of interval...

[ 2 ] - A note on positive deniteness and stability of interval matrices

It is proved that by using bounds of eigenvalues of an interval matrix, someconditions for checking positive deniteness and stability of interval matricescan be presented. These conditions have been proved previously with variousmethods and now we provide some new proofs for them with a unity method.Furthermore we introduce a new necessary and sucient condition for checkingstability of interval...
