Makkia Dammak
University of Tunis El Manar, Higher Institute of Medical Technologies of Tunis 09 doctor Zouhair Essafi Street 1006 Tunis,Tunisia
[ 1 ] - Bifurcation Problem for Biharmonic Asymptotically Linear Elliptic Equations
In this paper, we investigate the existence of positive solutions for the ellipticequation $Delta^{2},u+c(x)u = lambda f(u)$ on a bounded smooth domain $Omega$ of $R^{n}$, $ngeq2$, with Navier boundary conditions. We show that there exists an extremal parameter$lambda^{ast}>0$ such that for $lambda< lambda^{ast}$, the above problem has a regular solution butfor $lambda> lambda^{ast}$, the probl...