پروانه سموئی

استادیار گروه مهندسی صنایع دانشکدة مهندسی، دانشگاه بوعلی سینا

[ 1 ] - رویکرد یکپارچه جهت تعیین اندازۀ تولید ترکیبی، بالانس خط مونتاژ دوطرفه و تخصیص اپراتورها با درنظرگرفتن گلوگاه‌های سیستم

در این پژوهش، یک روش هیوریستیک یکپارچه برای تخصیص نیروی انسانی، بالانس خط مونتاژ دوطرفه و تعیین ترکیب تولید ارائه شده است. با استفاده از این روش، علاوه‌بر تخصیص مناسب فعالیت‌ها و نیروهای انسانی به ایستگاه‌ها، میزان تولید هر محصول به‌گونه‌ای مشخص می‌شود که علاوه‌بر داشتن یک خط بالانس‌شده با زمان سیکل حداقل، گلوگاه‌های سیستم نیز برطرف شود و خط روانی به‌دست آید. همچنین، در این مطالعه علاوه‌بر توسع...

[ 2 ] - A Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization for Mixed-Model Assembly Line Balancing with Different Skilled Workers

This paper presents a multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm for worker assignment and mixed-model assembly line balancing problem when task times depend on the worker’s skill level. The objectives of this model are minimization of the number of stations (equivalent to the maximization of the weighted line efficiency), minimization of the weighted smoothness index and minim...

[ 3 ] - An Improved Tabu Search Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Problem Trough Hybrid Solution Representations

Job shop scheduling problem (JSP) is an attractive field for researchers and production managers since it is a famous problem in many industries and a complex problem for researchers. Due to NP-hardness property of this problem, many meta-heuristics are developed to solve it. Solution representation (solution seed) is an important element for any meta-heuristic algorithm. Therefore, many resear...

[ 4 ] - An algorithm for integrated worker assignment, mixed-model two-sided assembly line balancing and bottleneck analysis

This paper addresses a multi-objective mixed-model two-sided assembly line balancing and worker assignment with bottleneck analysis when the task times are dependent on the worker’s skill. This problem is known as NP-hard class, thus, a hybrid cyclic-hierarchical algorithm is presented for solving it. The algorithm is based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Theory of Constraints (TOC) an...

[ 5 ] - ارائه‌ی الگوریتم تئوری محدودیت‌های اصلاح شده‌ی فازی برای مسائل ترکیب تولید با ظرفیت، سود و زمان پردازش فازی

  One of methods that used in product mix problems is theory of constraints (TOC). However, unfortunately it is not efficient in some situations. So many researchers have tried to solve these inefficiencies. In this way, Revised Theory of Constraints is proposed to use the advantage of this method for certainty conditions . Nevertheless, in the real world situations many parameters such as proc...

[ 6 ] - مقایسه عملکرد تئوری محدودیت‌ها با برنامه‌ریزی خطی فازی در مسائل تولید ترکیبی فازی

  In the recent years, theory of constraints (TOC) has emerged as an effective management philosophy for solving product mix problem with the aim of profit maximization by considering the bottleneck. Furthermore, Fuzzy set theory has been used to model systems that are hard to define precisely and represents an attractive tool to aid research in production management when the dynamics of the pr...

[ 7 ] - Mixed-Model Assembly Line Balancing with Considering Reliability

This paper presents a multi-objective simulated annealing algorithm for the mixed-model assembly line balancing with stochastic processing times. Since, the stochastic task times may have effects on the bottlenecks of a system, maximizing the weighted line efficiency (equivalent to the minimizing the number of station), minimizing the weighted smoothness index and maximizing the system reliabil...

[ 8 ] - Simultaneous Multi-Skilled Worker Assignment and Mixed-Model Two-Sided Assembly Line Balancing

This paper addresses a multi-objective mathematical model for the mixed-model two-sided assembly line balancing and worker assignment with different skills. In this problem, the operation time of each task is dependent on the skill of the worker. The following objective functions are considered in the mathematical model: (1) minimizing the number of mated-stations (2), minimizing the number of ...