فاطمه محمدنیای قرائی

دانشجوی دکتری شهرسازی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد علوم و تحقیقات، تهران، ایران

[ 1 ] - میل به خلوت جویی و ادراک ازدحام در محیط های شهری: تحلیلی مقایسه ای میان زنان در خرده فرهنگ های ایران

خلوت، فرآیندی برای تعیین مرز میان افراد است و فرد به واسطه آن بر تعامل خود با دیگران نظارت می­کند. نیاز به خلوت در انسان­ها عمومیت دارد ولی شیوه پاسخ به آن متأثر از متغیرهایی چون فرهنگ، سن، جنس، محیط فیزیکی و... است. تفاوت این نیاز از فرهنگی به فرهنگ دیگر سبب می­شود برخی از فرهنگ­ها میل بیشتری به خلوت نسبت به سایرین داشته باشند. تفاوت­ها در میل به خلوت­جویی صرفاً محدود به فرهنگ­ها نمی­شود، بلکه ...

[ 2 ] - Strategies to Make Creative Urban Space with an Emphasis on Interactive Lighting (Case Study: Ahmadabad Avenue of Mashhad- Iran)

Urban space can be the most successful public arena in this century if employ the potentialsfor collective cooperation in creative ways in order to provide further services. The theory of creative city tries tostrengthen the qualities which enhance the image of a city for the citizens and create a dynamic city in terms of cultureand intercultural learning. Therefore, the existence of generator,...

[ 3 ] - Identifying the Needs of Young People in Establishing Social Interactions in the Context of Temporary Landscape of Mashhad Based on Grounded Theory

Aims & Backgrounds: With the development of technology, time has become more limited to the presence of urban spaces and the experience of spaces and visual relations. This means that in the process of fitting the urban environment it is necessary to create spaces in which that, meanwhile in accordance with the needs of today, fit beyond the obvious qualities of space. In these spaces, we must ...

[ 4 ] - Urban Texture Assessment Bbased on the Principles of Passive Defense Using Factor Analytical Network Process (F’ANP) (Casestudy : Noghan Neighborhood Mashhad)

Background and Aims: Urban texture assessment with passive defense approach is one of the most important issues in the field of urban planning. In this research, we try to evaluate the vulnerability of urban tissue to the enemy's threats, because inactive defense by using unarmed measures reduces Vulnerability and increased deterrence at the time of the threat. Noghan Neighborhood located in th...