فرشاد نصراللهی

استادیارگروه معماری دانشگاه هنراصفهان، اصفهان،ایران

[ 1 ] - تحلیل کیفیت محیطی فضاهای داخلی مسکن بومی نواحی کوهستانی گیلان باتاکیدبراسایش حرارتی (مطالعه موردی: روستای دوسالده- رودبار)

انسان از دیرباز برای مقابله با عوامل خارجی در سدد ایجاد سرپناهی بود که دران با ارامش زیست کند.بعدها دانشمندان متوجه شدند هرچقدر که کیفیت فضاهای داخلی این محیط مصنوع اعم از اسایش سرمایشی وگرمایشی وصوتی وحتی تهویه هوای داخل بهترصورت گیرد درسلامت فیزیکی وروحی وروانی ساکنین نقش بسزاتری دارد.باتوجه به صعب العبوربودن غالب مناطق کوهستانی تامین اسایش حرارتی خصوصا گرمایش باسوختهای فسیلی نیازمند ایجاد شب...

[ 2 ] - Potentials of Vernacular Climatic Solutions (VCS) in Energy Efficiency of Domestic Buildings in Hot and Humid Climate: The Case Study of Bushehr, Iran

This study aims to use vernacular climatic solutions (VCS) of traditional dwellings of Bushehr in common residential buildings of this city in southern Iran and answer to the question that “What is the effect of VCS in terms of energy consumption in these buildings?”. This research was conducted on two levels. At the first level, after selecting an existing model of common residential buildings...

[ 3 ] - Effects of Southern Wall Angle on Heating Performance and Energy Consumption of Residential Buildings in Yazd

The southern wall plays an important role on heating perfrmance and energy consumption of residential buildings. This study investigates the effects of southern wall angle, glass area and external canopy on heating perfrmance and energy consumption of a typical residential building in Yazd. Using causality method and thermal simulation by DesignBuilder simulator, we examined energy consumption ...

[ 4 ] - Effects of Southern Wall Angle on Heating Performance and Energy Consumption of Residential Buildings in Yazd

The southern wall plays an important role on heating perfrmance and energy consumption of residential buildings. This study investigates the effects of southern wall angle, glass area and external canopy on heating perfrmance and energy consumption of a typical residential building in Yazd. Using causality method and thermal simulation by DesignBuilder simulator, we examined energy consumption ...