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مرکز تحقیقات علوم اعصاب شفا، بیمارستان خاتم الانبیاء، تهران، ایران.

[ 1 ] - نقش باالقوه نورون زایی در درمان آلزایمر

مقدمه  بیماری آلزایمر شایع‎ترین شکل دمانس در افراد سالخورده است. ویژگی‎های آسیب‎شناسی بافتی آن انباشت برون سلولی پروتئین آمیلوید بتا و هایپرفسفولاریزاسیون پروتئین تاو است. باور بر این است که این بیماری تحلیل برنده نورونی با اختلال عملکرد سیناپسی و مرگ نورونی پیاپی آغاز می‎شود. پژوهشگران اعتقاد دارند که نورون زایی در بزرگسالی مشاهده می‎شود؛ بنابراین جبران نورون‎های از دست رفته می‎تواند یک رویکرد...

[ 2 ] - سلول درمانی: یک راهکار درمانی برای مالتیپل اسکلروز

مقدمه: مالتیپل اسکلروز یک بیماری خود ایمنی سیستم عصبی مرکزی است که موجب دمیلینه شدن و آسیب به آکسون می شود. روش‌های درمانی متفاوتی از جمله: تجویز اینترفرون β، گلاتیرامراستات، ناتالیزوماب فینگولیمود و سایر عوامل تعدیل‌کننده سیستم ایمنی برای مالتیپل اسکلروز وجود دارد. در حال حاضر درمان پذیرفته شده برای مالتیپل اسکلروز در درجه اول کاهش التهاب سیستم عصبی مرکزی است. به طور قابل توجهی چالش حل نشده در...

[ 3 ] - O5: A Self-Assembled Nanopeptide Scaffold Combined with Mesenchymal Stem Cells Improved Functional Recovery after Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability worldwide. TBI can cause cognitive and memory function impairments which Current medical setting is not able to cure. In this study, we hypothesized that   mesenchymal stem cells derived from Adipose tissue  transplanted with RADA1- GGS IKVAV (GSIKVAV) can rescue cognitive function. An acute model of TBI was ca...

[ 4 ] - O8: Evaluating the Impact of Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotic Supplement on Sensory-Motor Recovery in a Model of Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide and many survivors experience a wide range of neurological impairments after TBI. Following the initial mechanical injury at the moment of a TBI event, various cellular and molecular processes are activated as the secondary injury. Neuroinflammation is an important mechanism involved in the secondary injury of TBI...

[ 5 ] - O15: Using Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-I as Bio Active Motif in A Novel Self-Assembly Peptide Nanofiber Scaffold: an Approach to Improve Cell Therapy in Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the main causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Despite extensive investigations over the past few decades, no effective therapies exist to improve the brain function in patients with TBI. Neural tissue engineering is an attractive therapeutic approach to restore the brain structure and function of damaged tissue. Bioactive motif of Stromal cell-deri...

[ 6 ] - O26: Targeted Delivery of siRNA in a Nano-Particle Suppress Glioblastoma Stem Cells

Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are suggested as the most dominant causes of recurrence due to their permanent self-renewal and resistance to common cancer treatment in glioblastoma multiform (GBM) which is recognized as the most malignant of brain tumor. It has been indicated that Retinoblastoma-binding protein 5 (RBBP5), a main part of Mixed lineage leukemia protein-1 (MLL1), plays a significant rol...

[ 7 ] - W4: Cancer Stem Cells as a New Target Point for Treatment of Glioblastoma

Glioblastoma is a destructive form of brain tumor that kills most patients within two years of diagnosis.Treatments for glioblastoma include the usual options of surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy, but there is no effective treatment. The tumors are capable of spreading tendrils out into the brain and it can grow back in a matter of months after being removed. The cancer stem cell...

[ 8 ] - P60: Mesenchymal Stem Cells Encapsulated in a Self-Assembling Nanopeptide Scaffold Attenuate Neuroinflammation and Behavioral Function in a Model of Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats

Traumatic brain injury is one of the major causes of brain function impairments and surgery is involved in the treatment program of many cases although it cannot rescue the brain functions completely and is confined to reduce the second injury .in this study we aimed to investigate the effects of mesenchymal stem cells encapsulated in RADA1- GGS IKVAV, surgically injected into the lesion site. ...

[ 9 ] - P108: Microglia in Traumatic Brain Injury

Microglia is one of the first innate immune components. These cells account about 5 to 10% of the entire adult brain cells and are activated by trauma. Complex-mediated inflammatory responses occur through cellular and molecular events during and after the traumatic brain injury (TBI). In-lesion area astrocytes, microglia, and damaged neurons begin to secrete cytokines and chemokines. Microglia...

[ 10 ] - P111: Effect of Human Neural Stem Cells on Neural Hyperactivity in Kindeling Rat Models

The excessive electrical activity of neurons is reported in many diseases including: Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and Epilepsy. Electrical overactivity in hippocampus accelerates the depletion of neural stem cell (NSC) and impairs the neurogenesis in hippocampus. It is believed that neurogenesis in hippocampus improves the cognitive functions. In this experiment, we use kindled mod...

[ 11 ] - P112: Tumour Associated Macrophages and Vasculogenic Mimicry: A New Insight in Glioblastoma Treatment

Glioblastoma is one of the most common brain tumors in adults with poor prognosis, aggressiveness, and treatment resistance. Vasculogenic mimicry (VM) consists of generating vascular-like channels by tumor cells, independent of endothelial angiogenesis. Studies showed in glioblastoma, the proportion of VM to all vascular channels is associated with poor prognosis and higher invasiveness levels....

[ 12 ] - P131: Cannabidiol: A Promising Treatment for Intractable Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a chronic disease affects CNS in various ages. WHO estimates 50 million people are suffering from epilepsy worldwide which make it a serious prevalent problem among neurological diseases. Intractable epilepsy (IE) affects about 20-30% of epileptic patients who failed to be seizure - free after antiepileptic drug (AED) consumption. Although many AEDs now are available for epilepsy tr...

[ 13 ] - P153: Evaluating the Effect of Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotic Supplementation on Sensory-Motor Recovery After a Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common cause of death which affects millions of people around the world. TBI is also associated with various neurological impairments. After the primary mechanical injury at the moment of a TBI event, several cellular and molecular processes are activated within the brain tissue as the secondary injury. An important mechanism involved in the secondary injury of...

[ 14 ] - نقش micro-RNA ها در اختلال اضطرابی پس از ضربه

مقدمه: اختلال اضطرابی پس از ضربه یک نوع از اختلالات اضطرابی است. اختلال اضطرابی پس از ضربه معمولاً به دنبال مواجه با یک استرس شدید ایجاد می‌شود. این اختلال با علایم بالینی خاصی از جمله تجربه مجدد علایم و تغییرات در تحریک، اجتناب، شناخت و شرایط خلقی مشخص می‌گردد. شواهد اخیر پیشنهاد می‌دهد که  micro-RNAها نقش مهمی در اپی‌ژنتیک اختلالات روانی دارند. نشان داده شده است که micro-RNA ها به‌عنوان نشانگر...

[ 15 ] - نقش نورون‌زایی در اختلالات اضطرابی

مقدمه: اختلالات اضطرابی شایع‌ترین اختلالات روانی در جامعه هستند که حدود یک هشتم از جمعیت جهان را تحت تأثیر قرار داده‌اند. این اختلالات حوزه مهمی از تحقیق برای روانپزشکی هستند. در بیماری‌زایی اختلالات خلقی و اضطرابی نقش مهمی ایفاء می‌کند. نورون‌زایی فرایندی است که در مغز پستانداران بالغ رخ می‌دهد و پتانسیلی برای ترمیم مغز فراهم می‌کند. بنابراین ممکن است ما درک بهتری در مورد پاتوفیزیولوژی و درمان...

[ 16 ] - P 77: The Role of Interleukin-1 in Neurogenesis and Alzheimer Disease

One of the most serious neurodegenerative disorders is Alzheimer disease (AD). As the population is aging and due to the fact that AD is more common in aged people, more attention must be paid to this disease. One of the main characteristics of AD is dementia which starts with loss of short term memory, then progresses and causes various brain dysfunctions such as loss of long term memory. Inte...

[ 17 ] - W1: Neural Tissue Engineering Strategies in Traumatic Brain Injury Therapies

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