Andrew Rawlinson

[ 1 ] - Sufism in the Western History : A Primary Outline

The phenomenon of Western Sufi teachers is unique, not just because of the individuals themselves, though they are certainly fascinating, but because of what they represent: the flowering of the Western genius, which has discovered Eastern traditions, absorbed them and in the process changed them and been changed by them. This paper is a primary outline of the main contours of this phenomenon, ...

[ 2 ] - Ecological Thought : Some New Implications Of Whitehead’s Philosophy

  This paper will discuss some new implications of Whitehead’s philosophy for environmental thought.[i] They fall under three headings: 1. The interrelations between three ways of thinking about the environment: bioregionalism, land ethics, and the philosophy of organism.  2.  The implications of Whitehead’s philosophy of organism for environmental aesthetics.  3.  The implications of Whit...

[ 3 ] - Indian Philosophy of Mind: A Comparative Study

In this paper I explore surprising parallels in the arguments between dualists and materialists in the philosophy of mind in India and the West. In particular, I compare the Nyaya School of India with Cartesian dualism and its Western defenders and the Carvaka School of India with contemporary Western materialists.

[ 4 ] - Priscianus of Lydia at the Sasanian Court: Solutionum ad Chosroem

Priscianus of Lydia’s Solutionum ad Chosroem is a series of answers to questions asked at a philosophical debate held at the Sasanian court c. 530 CE. Priscianus of Lydia was one of seven non-Christian philosophers from the Byzantine Empire who journeyed to the Sasanian Empire to take part in the debate. Long overlooked in the history of philosophy, Priscianus of Lydia’s text represents a branc...

[ 5 ] - Love (Mohabba) in Sufism

In the following, I describe the Sufi Path (tariqa) as a dialectical process which transforms the person through love. I examine the belief system of Islamic mystics as a journey involving both creativity and passion. I do so by using a fresh approach, a perspective that has heretofore yet to be applied to the spiritual alchemy of the Sufis.

[ 6 ] - The Psychological Element in the Phenomenological Analysis of Human Subjectivity

The aim of this paper is to depict the psychological element in phenomenological analysis of the human subjectivity. This analysis should be considered within the philosophical context provided by philosophers of 18th and 19th centuries, and very specifically by Kant as his transcendental philosophy was a turning point for later debates on the human subjectivity. In this paper, I will consider ...
