L. Anwar

Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan

[ 1 ] - The Iteration Digraphs of Lambert Map Over the Local Ring $mathbb{Z}/p^kmathbb{Z}$ : Structures and Enumerations

Let $p$ be prime and $alpha:x mapsto xg^x$, the Discrete Lambert Map. For $kgeq 1,$ let $ V = {0, 1, 2, . . . , p^k-1}$. The iteration digraph is a directed graph with $V$ as the vertex set and there is a unique directed edge from $u$ to $alpha(u)$ for each $uin V.$ We denote this digraph by $G(g, p^{k}),$ where $gin (mathbb{Z}/p^kmathbb{Z})^*.$  In this piece of work, we investigate the struct...
