Golchin, Marzieh

Knowledge and Information Science, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Evaluation of Scientific Outputs of University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences in Scopus Citation Database Among Type II Universities

Objective: Nowadays, organizations and institutions evaluate their performance to ensure that they are taking the right steps towards their goals and missions. Accordingly, universities and research institutes, analyze their scientific outputs and productions, to assess their success in achieving they evaluate their goals. The aim of this study was to investigate the scientific outputs, collabo...

[ 2 ] - Citation Review and Scientific Visualization of Articles Published in the Iranian Rehabilitation Journal (IRJ) 2003-2023 in the Scopus Database

Objective: Accurate scientific planning and societal macro policies require reviewing and evaluating research output. Scientometrics offers a valuable approach for assessing the activity of journals that publish a majority of scientific productions. This study aims to analyze the scientific activity of the Iranian Rehabilitation Journal (IRJ) by examining its publication history in the Scopus d...