Akbarilakeh, Maryam


[ 1 ] - The Relationship between Metacognitive Awareness and Academic Success of Medical students at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences

Introduction: Students' academic success is one of the important indicators of evaluating the performance of the higher education system. One of the factors influencing academic success is metacognitive awareness and knowledge and control of thinking and cognition. Therefore, assessment of its status helps in planning its promotion. The study aimed to investigate the relationship between metaco...

[ 2 ] - Survey on Reasons behind Postgraduate Medical Thesis Delay at virtual School of Medical Education and Management of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences

Introduction: Students’ dissertations is a prerequisite for graduation and given that a majority of the students delayed in completing and submitting the dissertation, our study aims to determine the causes behind the delay in timely completion of dissertation among virtual School of Medical Education and Management,faculty graduates at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Methods: ...
