Tabari Kochaksaraei, Sepide

Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch

[ 1 ] - How Saqaliba slaves were transferred to Andalusia in the Umayyad period

Slave bargain that was common in the West of Europe for a long time continued after the conquer of Andalusia by Muslims in the last decade of the first century A.H. Meanwhile, slaves from the northern regions of Spain, especially Slavic lands, entered the Andalusian markets. These slaves, known in medieval Islamic sources as Saqaliba, were often bought by Jewish merchants and transferred to And...

[ 2 ] - The Role of Saqaliba slaves in Weakening the Umayyad Government in Andalusia

During the Umayyad of Andalusia period (138-421), Saqaliba came to this land while the Umayyad government was very dissatisfied with the competition between the Arabs and Berbers and their continuous conflicts with each other. Hence, the Umayyads tried to attract the Saqalibas and connect them to the court to take advantage of their ability to balance power in the society and continue their mon...