Gholamreza Bayazian

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, School of medicine ENT and Head and neck research center. Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Language Sample Analysis of Children With Cleft Lip And Palate: A Comparative Study

Background: Cleft palate (CP) with or without cleft lip (CL/P) are the most common  craniofacial birth defects.  Cleft lip and palate (CLP) can affect children’s communication skills.  The present study aimed to evaluate the language production skills in regards to morphology and syntax (morphosyntactic) of children with CLP . Method: In current cross-sectional study, 58 Persian-language child...

[ 2 ] - Designing and Developing a Self-Care Application for Post-Laryngectomy Surgery

Introduction: Laryngectomy is the only known treatment for laryngeal cancer. The objective of this study was to design and develop a self-care application for patients undergoing laryngeal resection surgery. Method: This study was an applied-developmental one conducted in two stages. The first stage included assessing the need for data elements using questionnaire by 14 ear, nose, and throat (...

[ 3 ] - Designing and Developing a Self-Care Application for Post-Laryngectomy Surgery

Introduction: Laryngectomy is the only known treatment for laryngeal cancer. The objective of this study was to design and develop a self-care application for patients undergoing laryngeal resection surgery. Method: This study was an applied-developmental one conducted in two stages. The first stage included assessing the need for data elements using questionnaire by 14 ear, nose, and throat (...