Albo Naeimi, Ebrahim

khorramshahr-persian gulf international branch, Islamic Azad

[ 1 ] - Entrepreneurial Performance and Export Marketing Capabilities on Pistachio Export Performance with the Moderating Role of Inefficient Competition

Export is one of the main variables of production and national income. Export performance is also one of the other main ways to generate revenue and to use investmentchr('39')s capacities. The aim of this study is to explain the role of entrepreneurial performance and export marketing capabilities on export performance with the moderating role of inefficient competition. This research is purpos...

[ 2 ] - Explain the Role of Customer Knowledge Interaction in Consumers' Pur-chase Intention with Information Behavior Approach

Objective: Purpose is to study the role of customer knowledge interaction and intention to buy consumers in the electrical industry with an information behavior approach. Method: Develomental qualitative method was used. Population included   experts in marketing and consumer behavior, especially in the electrical industry. Via targeted snowball method sample of 14 experts were selected for a s...