Joseph Varghese Kureethara
Christ University, Bangalore, India
[ 1 ] - A survey of the studies on Gallai and anti-Gallai graphs
The Gallai graph and the anti-Gallai graph of a graph G are edge disjoint spanning subgraphs of the line graph L(G). The vertices in the Gallai graph are adjacent if two of the end vertices of the corresponding edges in G coincide and the other two end vertices are nonadjacent in G. The anti-Gallai graph of G is the complement of its Gallai graph in L(G). Attributed to Gallai (1967), the study ...
[ 2 ] - Stirling number of the fourth kind and lucky partitions of a finite set
The concept of Lucky k-polynomials and in particular Lucky χ-polynomials was recently introduced. This paper introduces Stirling number of the fourth kind and Lucky partitions of a finite set in order to determine either the Lucky k- or Lucky χ-polynomial of a graph. The integer partitions influence Stirling partitions of the second kind.
[ 3 ] - Line completion number of grid graph Pn × Pm
The concept of super line graph was introduced in the year 1995 by Bagga, Beineke and Varma. Given a graph with at least r edges, the super line graph of index r, Lr(G), has as its vertices the sets of r-edges of G, with two adjacent if there is an edge in one set adjacent to an edge in the other set. The line completion number lc(G) of a graph G is the least positive integer r for which Lr(G) ...