Ippolitov Yuri Alekseecich
DSc, Professor, head of the Department of pediatric dentistry with Orthodontics of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Voronezh State Medical University. N. N. Burdenko» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Voronezh, Russian Federation.
[ 1 ] - Personified Orthodontic Treatment of Adults with Malocclusions and Deformations in Dentition Depending on the Degree of Caries Resistance of the Dental Enamel
Background: To increase the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment in children with various degrees of dental enamel caries resistance using a personified orthodontic treatment. Materials and Methods: The present study included 108 adults (6-16 years old) with the first class of occlusion who referred for the Department of Pediatric Dent...