Sills ES
[ 1 ] - I-36: Simvastatin Effects on Androgens, Inflammatory Mediators, and Endogenous Pituitary Gonadotropins Among Patients with PCOS Undergoing IVF: Results from a Prospective Randomized Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial
Background: To evaluate effects of simvastatin on selected biochemical parameters and reproductive outcome among patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) who undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF). Materials and Methods: PCOS patients were randomized to receive either oral simvastatin 20mg/d (n=32) or placebo (n=32) in a prospective, double-blind randomized clinical trial (NCT 005-75601) in...
[ 2 ] - I-26: Considerations for PGD Applications inElective Human Embryo Sex Selection
The promise of medical innovation has long evoked social commentary, particularly when personal reproductiveautonomy may be impacted. Development of the oral contraceptive, effective and safe surgical sterilization, and later IVF and ICSI are among the revolutionary developments where initial reaction was dubious, but eventually, each was accorded mainstream status as clinical experience accumu...
[ 3 ] - I-27: Determining the Status of Non-TransferredEmbryos in Ireland: A Conspectus of
The development of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) as a treatment for human infertilty was among the most controversial medical achievements of the modern era. In Ireland, the fate and status of supranumary (non-transferred) embryos derived from IVF brings challenges both for clinical practice and public health policy because there is no judicial or legislative framework in place to address the me...