Khaki A

[ 1 ] - P-117: The In Vitro Effect of Leptin on Semen Quality of Water Buffalo (Bubal Us Bubalis) Bulls

Background: Several studies have recently investigated the role of leptin, the polypeptide hormone secreted primarily by white adipose tissue, in the reproduction of rodents, humans, and domestic animals. Materials and Methods: To investigate the in vitro effect of leptin on buffalo semen quality in equilibrated and frozen thawed semen, five healthy buffalo bulls (5 ejaculates from each bull) w...

[ 2 ] - P-142: Effects of A Synthetic Antioxidant (4-Hydroxy Tempo) Additive to The Semen Extender on the Ejaculated Spermatozoa Characteristics before and after Freezing in Water Buffaloes (Bubalus Bubalis)

Background: Semen cryopreservation is the most important section of artificial insemination programs; it allows preservation of semen fertility for a long time. Materials and Methods: The aim of the present study was to detect the effect of in vitro supplementation of 4-hydroxy Tempo on fresh and frozen spermatozoa quality of buffalo bulls. Five healthy buffalo bulls (5 ejaculates from each bul...

[ 3 ] - P-143: Effects of In Vitro Copper Supplementation on The Ejaculated Semen Parameters in Water Buffaloes (Bubalus Bubalis)

Background: A number of studies have demonstrated membrane lipid peroxidation (LPO) as one of the causes of defective sperm function in liquid semen preserved at 4◦C and cryopreserved semen. Some attempt has been made to preserve sperm parameters, particularly sperm motility, by adding some elements and Materials to the semen before freezing. Materials and Methods: To investigate effects of cop...
