Rajabpour Niknam M
[ 1 ] - P-154: Comparison of Ovine Matured Oocytes Quality in SPOM Medium Supplemented with Different Doses of Oocyte-Secreted Factors
Background: In this study we evaluate the effects of different doses of GDF9 with fixed dose of BMP15 on quality of in vitro maturated sheep oocytes. Materials and Methods: Good ovine Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were first transferred to Pre-IVM medium, and then to three IVM mediums supplemented with 10%v/v BMP15 and: 1) 175 ng/ml 2) 131 ng/ml or 3) 219 ng/ml GDF9. After maturation period, ...
[ 2 ] - P-31: Effect of Cryptop Vitrification on DNAMethylation Pattern of Oct4 and Mest Genes inMurine Preimplantation Embryos
Background: Because of the protection of surplus embryos, Cryopreservation is usually used in ART. It is not clear, the vitrified-warmed embryos that have normal morphology, be normal in genetic level, too. DNA methylation of gene regulatory regions can causes inhibition of gene expression. We study effect of vitrification method of cryopreservation on DNA methylation and gene expression level ...
Vahabi Z 1