Kianifeyzabadi M

[ 1 ] - P-118: Stepwise Morphometric Changesduring In Vitro Maturation of Goat Oocytein Relation with Nuclear Remodeling and Developmental Competencee

Background: Successful in vitro maturation (IVM) of oocytes is an important step for production of livestock through assisted reproductive techniques including somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Obtaining an optimal duration for maturation of oocyte is essential, since over exposure to maturation medium results in oocyte aging, while under exposure leads to production of immature incompetent...

[ 2 ] - P-82: Effect of SCNT Steps on Relative mRNA Abundances of Sheep Oocytes

Background: The oocyte is a unique cell committed to reprogram fertilizing sperm and to support early stages of embryonic development until the species-specific stage of zygote genome activation that occurs around the second to third cell cycle in sheep embryos. In this sense, considering the huge list of oocyte transcripts, we selected some candidates genes based on their roles of regulating di...

[ 3 ] - P-121: Assessment of Microtubule and Nuclear Status at Different Intervals of Bovine In Vitro Oocyte Maturation

Background: Mammalian oocyte undergoes a series of structural nuclear modulations during maturation in order to obtain full competence to support fertilization and early embryonic development. Microtubules are major cytoskeleton components and have pivotal modulators for chromosomal movement, and it has been shown that partial or immature spindle organization may compromise correct ploidy of th...
