Khazaei M
[ 1 ] - P-18: The Effect of Cell Phone Waves and Severity Noise on Sperm Motility and Sexual Hormones in Male Rats
Background: There is a great concern for the possible adverse effects of cell phones and noise waves and it looks these wave effects on the individuals’ health. Thus, the present study was conducted to examine the effect of cell phone waves, severity noise, and simultaneous effect of cell phone waves and severity noise on sperm motility and sexual hormones in adult male rats. Materials and Meth...
[ 2 ] - P-49: Effect of Crab Shell HydroalcoholicExtract Induced Apoptosis in ProstateCancer Cell Line
Background: Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide and the third most common cancer in Iranian men. Chemotherapy is used to treat this cancer, but it has toxic effect. Natural compounds found in marine organisms and plants have anticancer considered. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of crab shell extract on induction of apoptosis in prostate ...
[ 3 ] - P-113: Survey of In Vitro Effect of Resveratrol on Nitric Oxide Secretion of Human Endometrial Epithelial Cells
Background: Resveratrol is a natural polyphe- nolic compound, synthesized by plants as a phytoalexin and protects against ultraviolet radiation and fungal infection. Nitric oxide is formed from L-arginine through nitric oxide synthases (NOS), a group of enzymes that structurally resemble cytochrome P-450 reductase. In females, circulating NO is increased during follicle development and decrease...
[ 4 ] - P-136: High Concentrations of Noscapine Induces Apoptosis in Stromal Cells of Endometriosis In Vitro
Background: Endometriosis is a benign hormone-dependent disease in women of reproductive age. There is no cure for eradicating the disease and there is need for new drugs. The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro effect of noscapine as inducer of cell death on endometriotic stromal cells in patient's endometriosis in vitro. Materials and Methods: Endometrial biopsies from pati...
[ 5 ] - P-195: Thymoquinone Increases Efficacy of Tamoxifen Induced Apoptosis in Human Breast Cancer MCF-7 Cells: In Vitro
Background: The objective of this study is to evaluate combined effect of Thymoquinone (The main active component of black seeds) with Tamoxifen drug on apoptosis of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells (Noninvasive human breast cancer cell line, estrogen receptor positive). Materials and Methods: The human breast cancer MCF- 7 cells were treated with Tamoxifen (2 μM) alone or in combination with Th...
[ 7 ] - P-20: A Study on Walnut Effect on Reproductive System of Adult Male Rat
Background: Diabetes mellitus is a degenerative disease that has deleterious effects on male reproductive function, possibly through an increase in oxidative stress. Walnut is known as an antioxidant that may be effective on decreasing free radicals. The aim of this study was to evaluate walnut consumption effects on testis and prostate in diabetic Wistar male rats induced by STZ. Materials and...
[ 8 ] - P-96: Survey of In Vitro Effect of Noscapine on Nitric Oxide Secretion of Human Endometrial Stromal Cell
Background: Noscapine is cough suppressant drug with cell inhibitory effect. It is introduced for anti-cancer treatment. The aim of present study was to determine in vitro noscapine effect on nitric oxide (NO) secretion by human endometrial stromal cells. Materials and Methods: Human endometrial biopsies (n=8) were obtained in sterile condition and were chopped mechanically and digested by enzy...
[ 9 ] - P-99: Survey of Noscapine Effect on Apoptosis of Human Endometrial Stromal Cells: An In Vitro Study
Background: Noscapine is a water soluble alkaloid with antitussive property and very less toxicity. It is obtained from the Papaveraceae family. Recently, new pharmacological properties such as anticancer, anti stroke and anti-angiogenic effects are introduced. There is no scientific report on noscapine effect on reproductive system. The aim of present study was to determine in vitro effect of ...
[ 10 ] - P-111: Inhibitory Effect of Noscapine on Human Endometriotic Epithelial Cells
Background: Endometriosis is the presence of a functional endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity and defines as cancer like model. Noscapine is a safe cough suppressant which has been introduced as cancer suppressor. The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro effect of noscapine on human endometriotic epithelial cells. Materials and Methods: Human endometriotic biopsies (n=7) ...
[ 11 ] - P-156: Survey of In Vitro Effect of Resveratrol on Apoptosis of Human Endometrial Epithelial Cells
Background: In apoptosis is physiological cell death which eliminates injured and old cells. Any disruption in apoptosis, leads to disease. Resveratrol is a natural polyphenol with estrogen-like, antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties; also it showed cell prolifratory and inhibitory effect. The aim of present study was to determine resveratrol effect on apoptosis of human endometrial epith...
[ 12 ] - P-32: The Effect of Cell Phone Waves (900 MHZ - GSMBand) on Sperm Parameters and Total Antioxidant Capacity in Adult Male Rats
Background: There is a great concern for the possible adverse effects of cell phones’ microwaves. Contradictory results, however, have been reported for the effects of these waves on the body. In the present study, the effect of cell phone microwaves on sperm parameters and total antioxidant capacity was investigated with regard to the duration of exposure and the amount of the frequency of the...
[ 14 ] - P-28: Hydrostatic Pressure Induced Cell Deathin Cumulus Cells and Improved In vitro Maturationof Oocytes from Preovulatory Follicles
Background: Cryopreservation of ovaries is an important technique in assisted reproduction technology. Physical forces like hydrostatic pressure have a pivotal role in reproduction systems. Due to changes in intrafollicular pressure during ovulatory process, this study designed to examine the effects of hydrostatic pressure on oocyte maturation and cell death in cumulus cells from cryopreserved...