Shishehgar F

[ 1 ] - O-22: The Relationship between Sexual Satisfaction and Body Image in Women

Background: Sexual satisfaction is the fundamental role in success of family foundation. sexual satisfaction is the one of the most important components of life’s satisfaction. that influence on couples’ health. Although sexual function is related to sexual satisfaction but this factor cant be recognized as the only influential factor and the other factors include relational and emotional varia...

[ 2 ] - P-148: Effect of A Low Glycemic Index Diet on Insulin Resistance and Reproductive Hormones

Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disease in women affecting 5-10% of those of childbearing age. The majority of women with PCOS, regardless of weight, have a form of insulin resistance that is intrinsic to the syndrome. Obese women with PCOS have an added burden of insulin resistance related to their adiposity. Given the association of obesity and insuli...

[ 3 ] - P-223: Comparing Dietary Intake in Women with and without Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Background: Adequate nutritional status is a critical determinant of the onset and maintenance of normal reproductive function. More than 50% of women with PCOS are obese and central obesity plays a central role in the pathogenesis of PCOS by generating an insulin- resistant state, It has been proposed that recurrent hypoglycaemia due to hyperinsulinaemia could lead to decreased post-prandial s...

[ 4 ] - Pnm-27: Anti-Mullerian Hormone As A Predictor of Ovarian Response to Life Style Modification

Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of anovulatory infertility in women of reproductive age, affecting 7% of this population. Although not entirely understood, the etiology of PCOS is closely linked to obesity and abdominal adiposity that are considered to worsen the clinical presentation, particularly menstrual irregularities and hyperandrogenism. Lifestyle mo...

[ 5 ] - Pmn-22: The Effect of Zinc on Semen Quality

Background: Zinc in human semen seems to play an important role in the physiology of spermatozoa. Zinc deficiency leads to gonadal dysfunction, decreases testicular weight, and causes shrinkage of seminiferous tubules. The adult human body contains 1-3 g of zinc, about 0.1% of which is replenished daily. Excessively high amounts of zinc has been reported in human seminal plasma by many authors,...

[ 6 ] - Onm-17: The Effect of Stress on Semen Quality

s:2728:"Background: Rapid industrialization, environmental pollution, changing living conditions and unfavourable working conditions cause stress to the people which may play an important role in developing several disorders. Sress is one of the most important health and social problems. Physchological stress has long been suspected of having an important impact on infertility . There is a grea...

[ 7 ] - P-43: Reproductive Toxicity of Low Metal Exposureon Male

Background: Recent evidence has indicated a deterioration in reproductive health of men in many countries over the past few decades, particularly a decrease in semen quality and an increase in prevalence of prostate cancer. The human male has a relatively low fertility potential as compared to other mammals. Thus, the human male may be at greater risk from reproductive toxicants. For example, t...

[ 8 ] - O-8: The Effect of Body Mass Index on SemenQuality and Reproductive Hormones

Background: Recent population-based studies suggest an elevated risk for subfertility among couples in which the male partner is obese and an increased likelihood of abnormal semen parameters among heavier men. Male factor infertility is associated with a higher incidence of obesity in the male partner. The aim of this review article is to study the effect of body mass index (BMI) on semen qual...
