Sayed Morteza Hosseini
1- Department of Reproduction and Development, Royan Institute for Biotechnology, ACECR, Isfahan, Iran.
[ 1 ] - Comparative stepwise pattern of reactive oxygen species production during in vitro development of fertilized and nuclear transferred goat embryos
Objective A unique feature of embryo metabolism is production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). It is well established that during in vitro culture, ROS levels increase over normal ranges observed for embryos developed in vivo. This study evaluates and compares the stepwise pattern of ROS production during in vitro development of reconstructed goat embryos produced by zona-free method of somati...
[ 2 ] - Expression profile of developmentally important genes in pre- and peri-implantation goat embryos produced in vitro
Background Little is understood about the regulation of gene expression during early goat embryo development. This study investigated the expression profile of 19 genes, known to be critical for early embryo development in mouse and human, at five different stages of goat in vitro embryo development (oocyte, 8-16 cell, morula, day-7 blastocyst, and day 14 blastocyst). MaterialsAndMethods Stage-...
[ 3 ] - I-10: Transcriptomics in Oocyte Mediated Cellular Reprogramming
a:4:{s:10:"Background";s:1707:"Early embryonic development in mammals begins in transcriptional silence with an oocyte-mediated transcriptional reprogramming of parental gametes occurs during a so called across-the-board process of “erase-and-rebuild”. In this process, the parental transcription programs are erased long before (maternal) or soon thereafter (paternal) fertilization to generate a...