Rahdar , Moheb Ali

Department of Industrial Engineering, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Zahedan, Iran

[ 2 ] - Designing a Management Dashboard for Healthcare Professionals and Managers in the COVID-19 Epidemic

Background and Aim: Access to integrated information, up-to-date statistics, and timely diagnosis of the disease will help managers and health care providers to manage the crisis caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. In the present study, a management dashboard was designed by determining the key performance indicators of COVID-19. Methods: In the first step, using scientific articles published betw...

[ 3 ] - Improving the Resilience of Military Hospitals Through Self-Adaptation of Hospital Systems Using Organic Computing

Background and Aim: Among the failures of a disaster, the disruption of the critical infrastructure of the community causes the most damage to society. Therefore, the ability of critical infrastructure such as hospitals to anticipate, absorb, adapt or rapidly recover from a devastating event is essential. The purpose of this study is to design a self-adaptive model for resilient hospital system...