سلیمه باباخان

کارشناس ارشد تصویرسازی/ دانشگاه هنر تهران

[ 1 ] - خوانش نگاره معراج پیامبر (ص) اثر سلطان محمد از منظر اصول ادراک دیداری گشتالت

معراج رسول اکرم ‌(ص) رایج‌ترین مضمون دینی در حوزه نگارگری ایرانی اسلامی است و در دوره‌های مختلف هنری و تاریخی بارها به ‌تصویر درآمده است. درمیان نگاره‌های معراج، نگاره معراج حضرت ‌رسول(ص) منسوب به سلطان‌محمد از شاهکارهای این حوزه است. نظریه گشتالت در اوایل قرن بیستم ابتدا در حوزه روان‌شناسی مطرح شد و سپس پا به عرصه هنر گذاشت. بر اساس این نظریه ذهن انسان در فرآیند ادراک بصری تمایل به دسته‌بندی و...

[ 2 ] - Visual investigation of animal motifs in Tall-i Bakun’s earthenware

Pre-historic pottery investigating is one of the sources that provide a lot of information about the life and art of that time. Among Iranian arts, Pottery is of a greater antiquity, originality and importance and represents people’s culture, beliefs and traditions more than any other art. After basket weaving, pottery has been the first lasting art of mankind. By investigating earthenware moti...

[ 3 ] - Visual investigation of animal motifs in Tall-i Bakun’s earthenware

Pre-historic pottery investigating is one of the sources that provide a lot of information about the life and art of that time. Among Iranian arts, Pottery is of a greater antiquity, originality and importance and represents people’s culture, beliefs and traditions more than any other art. After basket weaving, pottery has been the first lasting art of mankind. By investigating earthenware moti...

[ 4 ] - Studying the Reflection of the Blue and White Porcelain in the Shah- Tahmasebi’s Shahnameh based on Gerrard Gonette's Theories

With the development of the concept of context, text is not just the criterion of context, and any interpretability phenomenon can be regarded as context. Therefore, any contextual phenomenon can be studied using text reading methods. The main question of the present research is studying the way of reflection of blue and white porcelain in Shah- Tahmasebi’s Shahnameh based on Gonette’s transtex...