Moazzami, Majid

Najafabad Branch

[ 1 ] - An Online Free Penetration Multi-Stage Fuse Saving Protection Scheme in Distribution Systems with Photovoltaic Sources

In this paper, a multi-stage protective scheme is proposed to maintain the fuse and reclosers coordination. The proposed method operates online and proportional to the photovoltaic sources penetration rate. In the first step, a non-standard Current - Time - Voltage curve is used for fuse saving. If the new calculated TDS from the first stage is not implementable to the reclosers, the second sta...

[ 2 ] - Simultaneous Design of Power System Stabilizer and Static Synchronous Compensator Controller Parameters Using Bee Colony Algorithm

To improve the stability of the power system, the design of a PSS and STATCOM controller parameters using ABC is presented as an optimization problem in this paper. The ABC is a collective intelligence based on the optimization algorithm and inspired by the bee feeding behavior in finding food. Fast convergence and high accuracy are the capabilities of this algorithm. The effectiveness and robu...