S. A. Hosseini
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.
[ 1 ] - Comparison of Binary and Ternary Compositions of Ni-Co-Cu Oxides/VACNTs Electrodes for Energy Storage Devices with Excellent Capacitive Behaviour
Electrochemical performance of binary and ternary oxides composed of Ni, Co and Cu produced over a 3-dimensional substrate of vertically aligned carbon nano-tubes (VACNT) as electrodes for aqueous energy sources, is reported and compared in this paper. VACNTs were fabricated inside a DC-plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition chamber and composite materials fabricated by thermal decomp...
[ 2 ] - An ultra low power wake-up signal decoder for wireless nodes activation in Internet of Things technology
This paper proposes a new structure for digital address decoders based on flip-flops with application in wake-up signal generators of wireless networks nodes. Such nodes equipped with this device can be utilized in Internet of Things applications where the nodes are dependent on environment energy harvesting to survive for a long time. Different parts in these wireless nodes should have an e...